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    What is Payroll?

    Payroll is the total of all benefits that a company is required to deliver to its workers for a specific time period or on a specific day. Typically, a company’s accounting or human resources department is in charge of it. Payrolls for small businesses can be managed directly by the owner or a colleague. It is increasingly outsourced to specialist companies that manage the processing of paychecks, employee benefits including insurance, and accounting duties like tax withholding.

    The term “payroll” can also apply to a list of a company’s employees and the salary that is owed to each of them. For the majority of firms, it is a significant cost that is virtually always deductible. As a result, the cost can be subtracted from gross income, reducing taxable income.

    An understanding of current regulations, in-depth tax knowledge to ensure proper withholding and filing, and a highly organized system that can be relied upon to pay each employee the appropriate amount of money are all requirements for processing payroll, which is a crucial function of any business. Using payroll technology or outsourcing can reduce stress and errors for many firms.

    Payroll and Timekeeping

    Payroll benefits from the tracking of time and attendance. Hours and attendance tracking can help to guarantee that employees are being paid the exact amount for time worked and can protect a company from legal liability, regardless of whether they are salaried or hourly employees. It might be highly beneficial to connect the systems so that hours worked can be effortlessly loaded into the system when time and attendance monitoring functions and salary/accounts functions are performed electronically.

    Pre-Payroll Requirements

    Policy Definition:

    There are many elements that influence the net amount that must be paid. At that point, the organization’s many policies, including the pay policy, the leave and benefits policy, the attendance policy, etc., come into effect. To ensure consistent payroll processing, such policies must first be clearly stated and authorized by management.

    Input Gathering:

    The process necessitates communication with numerous staff members and departments. Information such as attendance statistics, mid-year salary revision data, etc.

    Validation of Input:

    As soon as inputs are received, their accuracy must be verified with regard to the data’s compliance with business policy, authorization/approval matrix, appropriate formats, etc. Additionally, this should be made sure that no records for inactive employees are included in the salary payment process and that no active employee is overlooked.

    Payroll Calculation

    Simply multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly wage yields the gross income for an hourly worker. Salary per pay period is the measure of gross for those who are salaried. However, the amount that each employee actually receives is their net pay, which is their gross less any deductions.

    Deductions in Payroll

    • The deductions cover a wide range of things, including:
    • Taxes on federal income
    • Taxation on social security
    • The state’s income tax
    • Local tax deductions
    • Health protection
    • Dental protection
    • Contributions to charities
    • Garnishments
    • Payroll management using Payroll Software

    Payroll processing must be done on a regular basis and must always be precise. The processing must be reliable and efficient because it represents the single largest expense for the majority of businesses. This processing is possible in a number of ways.

    Book keeping processing by hand is a cheap but laborious method. You can use the IRS’s tax tables to compute withholdings, but you also need to figure out voluntary deductions. The processing manually may make it harder to maintain accurate records, organize data, and guarantee consistency.

    Payroll software is a good option but it has many limitations and complications such as

    • The Software Is Not Always Cheap
    • You might require hiring personnel to process your payroll.
    • Your Data Must Always Be Backed Up Access to Payroll Software May Be Restricted
    • Withholding mistakes could be caused by your software.
    • Your management of your taxes is still your responsibility.

    Your program must be purchased and maintained, which can be expensive. You might need to recruit and train someone to handle the obligations of using payroll software once you make the purchase. An additional employee means more money out of pocket for wages and perks.

    The Internal Revenue Service claims that when calculating catch-up withholding for a current tax year, some software systems can’t identify the difference between additional voluntary withholding amounts and standard withholding amounts. As a result, you must determine whether this bug exists in your application and account for it when processing payroll. If not, your company risked a penalties for under-withholding.

    Consider Outsourcing Your Payroll Rather Than Purchasing Software

    Although technology can make payroll simpler but software constraints can cause other problems for your firm. Therefore, outsourcing it to a provider of book keeping services can be a better choice. Processing takes a lot of time. The service provider members are the specialists. Outsourcing allows you and your staff to concentrate on your main company and more crucial strategic duties that have a direct impact on your bottom line.

    How can we help you?

    We provide  services to companies of all sizes. We also provide services for small businesses and startups. We help you by providing payroll services solutions that are tailored to your needs. We offer a range of solutions to suit your needs and budget, including:

    Free set up of your payroll.

    • All statutory requirements including Tax, NICs, SSP, SMP, SPP, SAP & Student loans.
    • Advice on Tax and National Insurance matters.
    • Employee payment via BACS.
    • Experienced and friendly Helpdesk support and advice.
    • A set of management reports (sent via password protected e-mail or post).
    • Bespoke reports can be created to suit your requirements.
    • Insert data for use in Microsoft Excel.
    • Security pay slips.
    • Mid-period calculations for new starters or leavers.
    • Calculations and advice for salary change.
    • A re-run of your payroll.
    • Online submission of tax documents to HMRC.
    • Online submission of Year End Documentation.
    • P60s for your employees.

    Why Choose Us?


    We are a leading  outsourcing company in the UK. We provide services to small businesses and enterprises. Our team of experts will take care of all your payroll needs so you can focus on your business. Our Department keeps up with the many government paperwork, withholding rates, and regulations. Therefore, compared to you or your staff, we are much less likely to commit an expensive error. We can make sure your company remains compliant by staying up to date on salary changes.


    We offer a wide range of services for our clients including:


    Payroll processing

    tax filing, compliance

    HR administration

    Employee benefits administration

    Workers compensation insurance

    Why outsource?

    In the current economic climate cutting costs and improving efficiency are key components of business success. This can be achieved by outsourcing your payroll to Payroll Options to save both time and money.

    Our payroll service guarantees compliance with Payroll legislation and statutory requirements meaning you don’t have to keep re-training your payroll employees and you won’t need to worry about them going off sick or on holiday.